Drawing Flies 52_20 Woolly Worm
Original status: Original available, email me for info.
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his rendition of the of the WW!
Tech Info-Charcoal, Nu Pastel on kraft colored shipping paper.
Went big on this one! 22" x 31". Took 25 minutes to complete. One thing that I wish I would have done was to step back from the piece more as I was developing it. I was a bit concerned about the time due to the scale, that I just hunkered in and did not step back to view proportions.
The WW is another one of those "Gotta Have" flies in your box. They work great for many fish species.
According to the text I have found, this fly was developed by Don Martinez who lived in Chicago. Don was a resident of Chicago for 30 years and was also one of the founding members of the Izaak Walton League.
Below are some in progress shots my wife Janine took while I was working. The images give you get an idea of the scale of this piece.
Jeff—I very much like how you approached this, and the slide show really adds a lot to the whole presentation. I know you had threatened to do a slideshow of a fly in-progress, and it's a slick touch for the post overall. The fact that the WW is physically so big adds another layer to the whole process. I'm so used to working on a detail level in so much that I do that I have to force myself to draw "biggerer." Perhaps this will serve as an impetus to me to try something large-scale at some point in the next 32 weeks....
Jeff...very cool slideshow. Do you want to email one of the photos and the slide show code for a TFM SPOTTING post? Toss your name in the hat for the TFM SPOTTING Photo Contest?
JB-A lot of fun drawing big! I will Definitely be doing more of these. I will have to remember to step back more to check proportions.
Cameron- You noticed the shirt! I will email you the info
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