Drawing Flies 52_13 No Hackle Dun- Watercolor and Gouache
Original status: Available. Contact me for information.
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his rendition of the of the No Hackle Dun!
Tech Info- I do not know where to begin. Had a real rough day and it carried into the things I enjoy doing. Anyways, I will spare the gory details. Struggled with getting this one to come together. Came down to the 20 minute mark and I was close to the point of switching gears and finishing up with an ink sketch. I decided to keep at it and make the best of it.
I have only fished this pattern once. It was late in the afternoon in June on the Ausable River. I was in experimentation mode on a rising trout up river. Threw a number of patterns at it with no luck. Tied a no hackle on my tippet and hookup!
Jeff-Sorry to hear of the tough day. Some days, with all that they can carry as baggage, just do not seem well-suited to art...
But, despite it, I still like what you've done (dun?). I am particularly liking the dubbing (nice textures), and another of your great backgrounds (they feel very otherworldly, which I like).
Bass popper for next time sounds good to me.
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