Cassi's Tribute- Art on Skin" I received an email about a week back from Cassi asking permission to use a fly for a tattoo. I have had other request for use of fly art for tattoos, but Cassi has been the only one to not only follow through, but to send a picture of the art immediately after it's completion. Cassi used
No. 363 as her choice of body art. Now for the coolest part of the story. Cassi had this tattoo done as a tribute to her grandfather. Here is what Cassi had to say about her life and her Grandpa: "
My entire family lives in LA and I spent time with my Grandpa deep sea fishing for tuna and fishing for bass in Newport. I have been fishing with him since middle school. It has been the best time of my life. When my granpa turned 59, he retired from Lockheed and moved to Oregon to learn to fly fish. He unexpectedly passed away one year after moving to Oregon. Three years ago I moved to Oregon into my grandfathers house. A good friend of mine took me on a fly fishing raft trip. We were not that successful, but we had an awesome experience. This is what it must have felt like to my Grandpa to learn something new." I am extremely grateful that my art can help create a lasting memory for someone who had a great love of fishing and for his family. B.C. You have a fantastic Grandaughter who now has artwork inscribed in your memory.
What an awesome story and a great tattoo with deep and lasting meaning. Very nice.
That is an awesome fly, awesome story and awesome tattoo. Great way to share a memory and have one to share the rest of your life.
Thank you
You are so very lucky to have such an awesome Grandpa Cassi! Glad you chose to use the fly hook.
I am just a Cane and Pole fisherman and have not been in years. I have been to Colorado and watched some Boot waders with the colorful Flys! Great job Gramps. His Love to all and to all His Creatures. May you continue to learn from your memories.
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