LEFTY ONE" Watercolor, Sharpie and Gouache. Thanks to all who sent emails and comments! It is greatly appreciated. Well, here is the update. I had a complete tear of the rotator cuff. 4 surgical sutcher screws were inserted and used to repair the cuff arthroscopically.
6 insertion pointss around my shoulder were used to repair the cuff. I also had a frayed bicep tendon. The Doc performed a Bicep Tenodesis. Normal attachment of the biceps tendon is on the shoulder socket and reattaches the tendon to the bone of the humerus (arm bone). By performing a biceps tenodesis, the pressure of the bicpes attachment is taken off the cartilage rim of the shoulder socket (the labrum), and a portion of the biceps tendon can be surgically removed. Essentially a biceps tenodesis moves the attachment of the biceps tendon to a position that is out of the way of the shoulder joint. The tendon is reattached lower on the bone using a screw. Along with general anasthetic, I was also given a nerve block in the right arm. This keeps the arm numb anywhere between 6 to 12 hours. The arm was still nice and numb after surgery due to the block. After the block wore off, a hell broke loose. The pain was incredible. The pain meds had little effect. I did not sleep for 24 hours. Each day has been better. Went to the Doc yesterday to have the staples removed from the port incesions. The staples still remain on the big incesion. The bicep on my arm is completely bruised. looks like it eas beat with a sledge hammer. Physcial therapy begins next week. I am so bored with TV and movies. I felt decent enogh this morning to hit the studio. I grabbed my watercolor sketchbook and a Sharpie and started to draw with the left hand. Not the greatest, I kept my expectations low as was just glad to be drawing and painting again. Grabbed the watercolor brush aand stated laying down washes. This is much easier with the left hand then the drawing portion. I practiced signing my name on a scrap piece of paper using my left hand. As you can see, I opted form my initials. My dear wife has been an incedible help throught this process. I Love her dearly and could not have done this without her.
Hang in there buddy. This too, shall pass and leave a wisdom scar.
Wonder if this will catch left-handed fish? Gotta tell you, Jeff, they all look great to me, no matter the hand.
your left is much better than most people right's! Nice work.
I didn't read any of that but LEFT handed is awesome!! Just the fact that you had surgery and drew that picture is great. wonderful work.
You have inspired me once again, although this time I hope to never come close to equaling your accomplishment.
God bless & get well soon!
hope your recovery is speedy.
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