Tuesday, December 25, 2012
DF7F 52_50 Christmas Fly
Watercolor and Gouache on oatmeal paper. A bit abstract but you get the idea. Merry Christmas!
Swing by Jason's Blog to check out his Christmas Fly!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Drawing Flies and Fish 52_49 The Popsicle
Tech Info - Watercolor and gouache on 140# Arches watercolor paper.
This is one of those colorful marabou flies that just lends itself well to colorful juicy washes. Just lay down the color and watch what happens.
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Popsicle.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Pumpkinseed Print Release
New Limited Edition Print Release - Pumpkinseed
24" x 18" Giclee Print reproduced on watercolor stock.
Each print has been remarked with thick and juicy paint brush strokes to enhance the quality and true intent of the original painting. This process makes each print and original!
Each print is signed and numbered. This limited edition run will be restricted to 25.
Shipped in a tube via USPS Priority Mail - Included in cost.
Cost - $150.00 USD - Domestic
Cost - $165.00 USD - International
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
New Print Release!
New Limited Edition Print Release - Coulee Brown
24" x 18" Giclee Print reproduced on watercolor stock.
Each print has been remarked with thick and juicy paint brush strokes to enhance the quality and true intent of the original painting. This process makes each print and original!
Each print is signed and numbered. This limited edition run will be restricted to 25.
Shipped in a tube via USPS Priority Mail - Included in cost.
Cost - $165.00 USD - Domestic
Cost - $178.00 USD - Outside USA
DF&F 52_48 Royal Wulff
Tech Info: 24" x 48" Stretched Canvas and Acrylic
This is as far as I got blocking things in with acrylic and big rough house painting brushes. Consensus on the FB post is that I should stop here!
Swing over by Jason's Blog to check out his Royal Wulff.
Original available soon, stay tuned.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
DF&F I do not know where we are at!
To tell you the truth, I do not know where we are at! Jason has been busy with a new born, which I know twice over how things change. Two or three weeks ago Jason threw down a tuna which a friend of his caught. This is my rendition. Enjoy! Swing by Jasons site to check out his tuna.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Green Butt Skunk
My first attempt using acrylics. Started with a toned sheet of 24" x 36" Watercolor stock. I used a warm tone so that it would compliment the blue washes. I then started in with the fly, apply thin and thick washes of acrylic. I then worked on some wet and wild blue washes. I added the highlights and spread the paint with my fingers. Made me feel like a kid again! I still think I will add some "nail cheeks", then call it done. I will definitely be using acrylics in the future!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Drawing Flies and Fish 52_43 Gray Wolf White Tiger
Tech Info: Water color and Gouache on oatmeal paper. Photoshop post processing.
This fly is from www.streamers365.com series that is hosted by Darren MacEachern. If you have never been to the site, I would encourage you to do so. Beautiful streamer patterns from some of the top tyers.
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his White Tiger!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
DF&F 52_42 Parmachene Belle
Tech Info: Watercolor, Gouache and pastel on 13 1/4" x 11" oatmeal paper.
The Parmachene Belle classic wet fly, Jason's choice for this week. Swing by
his site to check out his Belle!
I was going to try to shoot a video of this one, but ran out of time. Maybe I will get one filmed in the next few weeks.
The original is available. Hit the button below to purchase.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
DF&F 52_41 Green Butt Skunk
Tech Info: Watercolor and gouache on oatmeal paper.
A classic steelhead fly pattern. It was looking mighty slim around the Midwest. for steelhead this Fall. The water has been at it's lowest level since I can remember. This weekend did bring some much needed rain. Hoping it brings chrome to the river.
Congratulations to Jason and Kel on the birth of their daughter, Brooke Borger! For those who have been wondering, that is why Jason has been a bit behind.
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Green butt skunk.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
DF&F 52_40 Smallmouth Bass
Went with some line work and a little Photoshop color enhancement this week. It is fun to change it up and just play with a Flair pen. Used a flair pen, scanned the image in then worked in Photoshop to add some color and texture. This will become a full blown painting in the near future, stay tuned. If you are interested in prints of this piece, drop me an email.
Swing by Jasons blog to check out his smallie!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
DF&F 52_39 Coulee Caddis
This week we decided to go with a fly. I chose the Coulee Caddis due to the success I had fishing with this fly in the Driftless region of Wisconsin. I was fishing with Mike Davis at Life On The Fly, which is a story in itself, but I digress, in an act of brilliance, he opens his box and tosses me a Coulee Caddis. Instant success!The pattern is a Driftless Angler original. I figured it was time to give this pattern it's due in paint. Great pattern that I will use again next year.
Tech Info: Watercolor, gouache and pastel on oatmeal paper (my favorite).
Original status: SOLD
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Coulee Caddis!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
DF&F 52_38 King Salmon
This week's fish was suggested by Jason to bring attention to the dismal return of spawning king's this year. It is simply amazing the impact this low return has on everything that depends on this annual event.
I went a bit more abstract. Wanted to create a view as if I was swimming with the salmon. Kind of like merging onto the salmon super highway.
More to come.
Swing By Jason's Blog to check out his king.
Tech Info: Gouache and pastel on pastel paper.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
DF&F 52_37 Coulee Brown Trout
I consider the Driftless area of Wisconsin my home trout waters. This is due to the absence of any trout water in Illinois. Spent this past weekend camping and fishing with my buddies Corey, Mike, Ben and Joe. Had a great time fishing and having some great camp food and stories by the fire. Thanks to Corey for taking a great reference shot of this fish. September 30th marks the last day of trout season for this year Now it is time to do a rain dance to bring on steelhead season!
Swing by Jason's site to check out his awesome digital slab!
Tech Brief: Watercolor, gouache and pastel on oatmeal stock.
Original status: SOLD
Prints to be offered soon. New website and print offerings coming soon.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
DF&F 52_36 Purple Brat
This weeks Drawing Flies and Fish entry - The Purple Brat. Continuing with the steel head theme that Jason Borger started last week. A classic variation based off of the 1937 Enos Bradner's classic Stillaguamish favorite Brad's Brat.
I really dig purple flies!
Swing by Jason's site to check out his Brat!
To purchase original, Click the link below:
Monday, September 3, 2012
DF&F 52_35 Steelhead
Welcome back to Drawing Fish and Flies 52! We will be continuing our weekly series with posts every Saturday (or Sunday depending on how well fishing is going). Swing by Jason's blog to check out his steelhead. Beautifully done in Jason's signature style.
Reference image is from my buddy Corey holding a beautiful Milwaukee River steelhead.
Watercolor, gouache and pastel on oatmeal paper.
Prints available soon.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
DF&F 52 Will Resume Sept 1st!
Jason and I will be resuming the weekly fish/ fly creation starting September 1st! We will be resuming the series with a steelhead. Swing by Jason's Blog to see what he has been up to the past few months. I will have another post soon giving you an update on what has been happening.
Monday, July 30, 2012
"Hot Pursuit"
"Hot Pursuit" 40" x 26" Watercolor, Gouache and Pastel. This is the largest piece I have completed to date. Had a lot of fun and I learned quite a bit working at this scale. Boy did I use up the paint! And I got to "Finger Paint" and get a real feel for the drawing and paper. I will be creating more at this size!
Below are the sequence shots for the creation of this piece.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Back at it again. A nice brook trout. Felt good to get the brushes moving again.
Original Status: SOLD
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
DF7F_52 is gone fishing
After 2 1/2 years of weekly post, Jason and I have decided to take a break from our routine so that we can focus on some of our other personal projects. We are looking at resuming our regularly scheduled program in the Fall. I will still be posting images of the projects I am working on along with a few additional surprises. So keep checking back to have a look at some of the stuff I will be working on over the Summer. You can also check in on my FaceBook page. Hope to see everyone back in the Fall
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Memorial Day 2012
To all who have served and those who are currently serving. This fly is dedicated to you. Fly design inspired by Bob Silverdoc Blumreich.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Drawing Flies and Fish 52_19 The brook Trout
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his great brookie sides!
Tech Info - Sharpie, watercolor and gouache
Fished the driftless area of Wisconsin last weekend. Caught some great Brookies and Browns.
Prints are available, drop me an email for details.
Original Status: SOLD
Sunday, May 13, 2012
DF&F 52_18 Mothers Day Caddis
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Mothers Day Caddis!
Tech Info - Sepia ink with watercolor on 140 lbs watercolor paper. Photshop post processing for blur.
Happy Mothers Day to all and to a special congrats to Jason and Kel Borger with the announcement that they are expecting their first child. Congrats to all three of you!
Original and prints are available, drop me an email for details.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
DF&F 52_17 Northern Pike
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Pike!
Tech Info - Sharpie sketch on paper, scanned, Photoshop post processing.
Part Northern Pike part machine...
Sunday, April 29, 2012
DF&F 52_16 Iron Demon Steelhead (Metalhead) Fly
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Steelhead Fly!
Tech Info - Sharpie sketch on paper, scanned, Photoshop post processing.
And out of the primordial ooze rose the new species of aquatic life ready to handle the harsh realities of this new world. It's only predator, the metal head....
Having fun combining my love of art, fly fishing, my mechanical and engineering background and a bit of Star Wars influence.
More for the t-shirt series.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
DF&F 52_15 Steelhead
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Steelhead!
Tech Info - Sharpie, gray Copic marker and white charcoal pencil on oatmeal paper. Post processing with some grunge in Photoshop.
I think this may be the subject I have been looking for in a t-shirt series robot fish! If I had more time I would have added more detail.This is what our fish may evolve to!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
DF&F 52_14 Permit

Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Permit!
Tech Info - 140 lbs Watercolor paper, India Ink, Small eye dropper and a bit of gouache.
We chose the permit in honor of Jose Wejebe who was recently killed when he crashed his plane. I went with the same ink and eye dropper technique knowing that Jose would try new and different things in pursuit of fish.
Prints are 8" x 10" reproduced on digital watercolor stock, signed and number. Each print comes with a signed certificate of authenticity.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
DF&F 52_13 Flash Back Hares Ear
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Adams!
Tech Info - 140 lbs Watercolor paper, India Ink, Small eye dropper and a bit of gouache.
Experimented some more this week with the ink and eye dropper technique.
To purchase a print, click below:
Sunday, April 1, 2012
DF&F 52_12 Adams
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his Adams!
Tech Info - 140 lbs Watercolor paper, India Ink, Small eye dropper and a bit of gouache.
Wanted to try something a bit different this week. One, we went with just a fly, two, I used and eyedropper filled with india ink to create the image. Wanted something a bit more abstract, but I still am happy with the results.
Original Status: SOLD
To purchase a print, click below:

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