Drawing Flies 52_10 McGinty-Watercolor, Sharpie and Gouache
Original status: Available. Contact me for information.
Swing by Jason's blog to check out his rendition of the of the McGinty!
Tech Info- And now for something totally different! Boy this ended up totally different than what my intentions were. I will not tell you what I had originally planned because I will attempt to create it again. This was definately a more colorful approach. Not sure I am pleased with the results, but I will say that it is very different. A bit more graphical in nature almost cartoon like. Started by drawing with a Sharpie, then applying the watercolor layers. Finished up with a bit of gouache.
I really like your cartoon-ish style on this one and as always your background wash is great.
Jeff—I understand fully about things not being what you want, but I have to tell you, I think this may actually be my favorite. The graphical style just really sits well with my eye.
I just posted my version here along with one from my daughter: http://www.undertheaspens.com/blog/2010/03/drawing-flies-52-week-10-mcginty/
Matthew-Thanks my friend, much appreciated. Will swing by your blog to take a peak!
JB-Thanks! It is amazing how things turn out compared to what you have cooked up in your mind's eye.
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