TWFF (Texas Womens Fly Fishers) requested the use of some of my fly images for their cookbook which they use as a fundraiser for their organization. I do get a fair amount of requests, and I have the greatest respect for those who ask permission to use intellectual property. Anyway, the above image shows the cover of their cookbook. There are many more fly drawings included in the cookbook. If you are interested in the cookbook, do not hesitate to drop the
TWFF a line. Here is the the description on the inside cover:
"Every couple of months a happy group of fly fishers gather somewhere in the state of Texas….or occasionally other states close by, to enjoy the sport, the outdoors, sometimes the shopping, and each other. Traditionally, these outings begin with the Mullet Mixer. This is a chance to catch up with one another, meet new friends, get the lay of the land….and most importantly, and receive good advice on how to fish the local waters.
The Mullet Mixer relies on the “sacrament of the covered dish” to fuel the evening. Those of us driving (or flying) hell bent across the state of Texas after work may show up with a six pack from the Stop ‘N’ Go and the local fried chicken or bar-b-que. Always good, always consumed gratefully. But treats from the local kitchens show up, too. There is always a flurry of “send me that recipe” but often we get home, get busy and then forget to send it on or bring it to the next Mullet Mixer.
This is a compilation of those offerings from the members of Texas Women Fly Fishers in the past year. Sale of this booklet benefits Casting for Recovery."