Original - Available send email for details.
Limited Edition Prints - Available soon
Fur, Flash and Feathers" 10" x 14" I had the opportunity to hook back up with
Brad Bohen, otherwise known as the Afton Angler over at
One More Cast fly shop. Brad demonstrated and provided a tie along for some of his never fail muskie patterns. For those who do not know Brad, he is one great down to earth guy. Definitely someone you want to take you out on a guided trip. Not to mention that he ties some awesome muskie patterns. It was a laid back evening of food, tying, BSing and some beer. What a great combo for a rainy early Spring evening. If you get a chance, also check out some of Joseph's great stories
here. I do not know why these storeis have not been published! I think at the end of the evening the tying sequence was beer, flash and feathers! A tip of the hat to Joseph and Brad for a fantastic evening!